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A member registered Feb 11, 2017

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I'm not sure, but the same thing occurred to me when I got there again in 0.0.61.

I wouldn't be surprised if that if that were the case. I did observe that it was getting shorter as the days passed.

(1 edit)

Odd. Well, That was happening for me in 0.0.60. I haven't gotten that far yet in the new update, so I guess I'll see if it's still the same once I get there.

you're not alone in the clipping.

I've found a solution to it, however: You can rotate the weapon until it becomes unstuck.

(1 edit)

As of 0.0.61, Apparently binding a two-hand guard to a one-hand grip counts as a one-hand sword and customers will accept it.

Also, Greatswords do not have an alloy registration, it seems and will pay for significantly less than they are purchased for. (EDIT: Adding a one-hand blade to a greatsword handle will apparently fix this.

It automatically loads it when you launch the game, assuming you saved.

It's not caused by ordering a lot of supplies, I can say that much. I ordered the max amount of copper a lot and it only started happening on day 13. Tin might be the cause but I somehow doubt it. I started ordering tin on day 11 and it only started about day 13.

Scratch what I said, I think that was for version 0.0.60. Maybe.

I'm having the same problem, actually. Except that I can't even get them an item before they arrive, even if it's on the counter already and it's what they requested.

Hey! I Just downloaded the game a couple days ago for Windows x64 and I absolutely love it! However, over the course of a 14-in-game-day gameplay, I ran across more than a few issues.

First of all, Saving and Loading games needs a bit of work. The only thing that I observe actually does save is the location of items and your perks. Most other things do not save which I think would be much less of an annoyance if they did:

-Your Location

-The Time of Day

-Your Level

-The Name of your Shop

-The location of the secret Crystals

-The location of the instruction panels

-The amount of money you have

-Whether you've erased the sales list or not, and how many sales since

-The binding of objects (I once came back to some pre-made tools only to find they had dissassembled)

Also another strange bug that I got was that after Day 13, Every single customer that walked in instantly walked out again without giving me any time to complete their order whatsoever. Saving and reloading didn't help. The only sale I actually got after Day 13 occurred was a sale on an odd customer who seemed to have had an error in its walking AI that froze it outside my door, which I managed to push them to the door so they could request an item and have me complete it.

I'd also like an option to turn the Instruction leaflets on or off, as they get annoying once you get the hang of things. An addition of the usage of the water trough soon would be experience-enhancing as well, I find it odd that it's not used yet.

Other than those things, I love the game, and look forward to your updating it.